Friday, July 16, 2010

The Left was Right !

I have to admit publicly that my leftist friends are truly able to predict the future. I had no idea until recently how good they really are. They told me in the fall of 2008 several very key events would take place if I voted for John McCain. As a side note - for conservatives - voting for John McCain is like getting a bad tattoo on your face. You never understand why you did it in the first place and everyone winces when they realize what you did. That being said, we didn’t have much of a choice way back in ott-eight.
My friends said that if I voted for John McCain we would end up in an endless series of escalations to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were right ! I voted for McCain and we have had several large escalations to the wars in the Mideast. Don’t get me wrong. When we engage militarily anywhere in the world, I am completely behind fighting hard and winning that war, even if I don’t agree with the political motives behind it. Our military is clearly the best trained and armed force to ever walk the earth.
My friend’s son is a Marine recon serving in Afghanistan. He told me how the rules of engagement changed dramatically soon after Obama took office. They are sent in to scout out Taliban bad guys and take them out. Oh – except for the new rules of engagement say if the person is not verifiably armed you cannot shoot them.
These recon patrols sit there for two or three days – completely hidden and watching and waiting to see who comes and goes. The Taliban leaders have learned the Obama policies and have adopted them effectively against our troops. If a recon patrol sees a group of Taliban fighters, towing a covered trailer of weapons, unless these weapons are in the hands of the fighters the Marines are only allowed to report them to their command.
They were sent there to kill the Taliban but cannot fire unless the bad guys are visibly armed. Many times they know on sight the Taliban leaders by facial recognition. The bad guys know this but simply parade around not carrying weapons, or dressed in Burka’s, thus triggering the no-kill provisions of the Obama combat doctrine. They can’t shoot or order airstrikes unless they actually see the weapons on the fighters.
This is the Obama dogma. The administrations anti war planners from NYU know that the real war is fought in American courtrooms. These brave lawyers wistfully dream that they can best defeat our enemies by suing them in Federal Court. Take that you man made disasters… Hopefully General Petraeus will reverse this insane engagement model and allow our troops to actually do the dangerous jobs they were sent there to accomplish.
My friends said if I voted for John McCain the big Wall Street banks and investment houses would be propped up and salvaged from the normal cycle of capitalism. They said that big corporations would be protected and small business would be thrown to the wolves. They were right ! I voted for McCain and we declared the huge Wall Street firms too big to fail and bailed them out. We were fleeced by the federal government to support the international bankers’ interests and make sure that it was business as usual at Goldman Sachs et al. Campaign contributions and caviar for you my good Democrat controlled congress.
The Obama administration has consistently done one thing; protect any government or business that is unionized. We nationalized General Motors and Chrysler, putting the American taxpayer in charge of pumping up two companies doomed to fail. These behemoths were dying from being forced to satisfy bloated union pension obligations instead of investing in replacing outdated manufacturing plants.
What businesses are suffering ? The small businesses of America. Fully 70% of all job creation comes from this sector but they cannot afford to hire anyone. They know that come January 1 2011, their taxes are going to skyrocket, so they are preserving capital, or declaring bankruptcy.
My friends said if I voted for John McCain I would have a President who didn’t really understand the economy or how to steer policy towards ending the recession quickly. They were right again ! I voted for McCain and I have a President who thinks that FDR was an economic genius, emulating his every move. Even though historians have documented at length how FDR’s Keynesian economic policies prolonged the depression. Even Henry Morgenthau, the architect of the new deal declared it was an absolute failure in ending the depression. The déjà-vu Obama policies are prolonging the current recession and yet these politicians whistle as we work, to pay the bills of their newest university experiment on our economy.
Lastly, my friends said if I voted for McCain I would end up with an idiot for a Vice President. They were right ! I voted for McCain and now we have one of the dumbest bags of sand ever to occupy the Vice Presidential office.


Fred Treece said...

Admit it...You are a closet liberal. Your schoolyard sarcasm is the perfect disguise for the right wing ideology and revisionist history you pretend to promote. No intelligent reader would believe anything other than that you write for the purpose of amusing the narrow minded who actually might agree with the infantile point of view you present. But your genius lies in the fact that your column also provokes the rest of us into deeper thought and conviction on our core values. So for that, I thank you.

I started thinking about the title of your column, American Tune. A Paul Simon song! This guy Johnson is a musician, or at least a music fan of some substance. Looked up your profile, and sure enough...With that taste in music, which is roughly similar to mine, with that kind of attention to lyrics and emotion and musical skill, no way can he possibly be right wing. All those musical influences are SCREAMING with broad minded liberal world views.

Anyway, I am a musician too. I would love to talk guitars some time. As most civilized people eventually conclude, I am willing to set aside the 10 percent of our differences to talk about and enjoy the other 90 percent. If I'm right about my left-wing conspiracy theory and your column, it is quite possible that 10 percent difference does not exist.

The American Tune said...

Hi Fred - Thanks so much for the post. My history as a SF Bay Area guy is that I was a liberal until Jimmy Carter was President three years. I saw a guy that I felt basically hated America, the Miitary and American values. I switched to a Reagan republican then and never looked back. BUT - your point is well taken in that there is a lot of liberal DNA still left in me. Liberal in the classic liberal sense that I want to be free to do what I want to do without government interference and control, and that I believe everyone should have the chance to make it big in America.

Nowe on to more important items. Musio...I am a 60's and 70's era rocker for sure. My first concert was in SF and it was the Greatful Dead and The Beach Boys -called Day on The Green and was an all day thing with 6 other bands. Like a lot of guys (my-our) age I love Guitar - especially loud electrics thru tube amps. I absolutely agree that guitarist links immediately dissolve and replace differences in politics. I am startign to play more acoustic though so maybe that folkie 60's BAy Area gene is re-surfacing !

Thanks for the comments. Ken