Friday, March 11, 2011

As goes goes the World

When Jimmy Carter lost Iran to the terrorist Khomeini we found out just how bad the replacement government can become. The Shah of Iran was no Thomas Jefferson to be sure - but he was the lone force modernizing Iran. He knew the plans and ways of the 12th century minded Mullahs who occupy the Iranian government today. Lesson to remember…when one Middle East government falls, and America stands idly by, the next one will not be a democracy but more than likely an Islamic totalitarian state.
Now we can say the same thing about Egypt, except it is Barack Obama who lost Egypt and it won’t be just Egypt, it will be Tunisia, Jordan and perhaps the whole Middle East.
Not that Obama had a plethora of good choices. Egypt’s Mubarak ruled with an iron fist since he sat next to Anwar Sadat while the Muslim Brotherhood executed the former ruler Sadat in 1981. The best choice was to support Mubarak, at least long enough for his term to run out in 9 months. How to do it without seeming to meddle in Egypt’s affairs? That would require Statesmanship, a skill which Obama definitely possesses, but one he curiously only brings out to encourage America’s foes and shelves when America’s longest standing Arab ally is in need of our support. Oh well - all that is at stake is the World Economy, Middle East Stability and the future of Israel.
Obama’s reluctance to lift a finger to stabilize Egypt was stunning. American allies have to be wondering what treachery awaits them when anti Government protests start in their country. Couple that with the fact that Obama has been on a two year submission and bowing tour to America’s traditional enemies, one has to wonder if the Manchurian Candidate was really a fictional character.
Obama and his merry band of elitist advisors have a firm overriding belief that America has a need to repent. Repent to whom and for what is always unclear to all but the benighted leftists in Washington.
The prevailing theory amongst these fiddlers of Rome is that most anti-Western sentiment is somehow legitimate, and that any official criticism of anti-Western movements are unjust examples of how the US meddles in the affairs of foreign governments.
The underpinnings of this insanity begin with the belief that non westerners are really just victims of Western Imperialism. The rabid pathologies that have developed in these terrorist organizations turned-states are therefore understood – even justifiable. This is why the US under the wobbly hand of Obama is acting like a toothless manatee instead of the most powerful force for Democracy in the world.
Not to pat my side on the back, as the Republicans of recent past had made the mistake of assuming the entire world yearns to be free - and that given free elections they will choose some form of Democratic rule. We believed that if you just destroyed the totalitarian states and let the people vote – they will create democracy in the Middle East. We wrongly assumed all people want something akin to the American system.
Here are some startling facts. According to an opinion survey in June of 2010 by Pew research, 59% of Egyptians said they back Islamists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood. Just 27% said they want a democratic government that focuses on modernization. Half of Egyptians support Hamas. 30% support Hezbollah and 20% support al Qaida. 95% of them said they would welcome Islamic influence over their laws and government. 82% of Egyptians support executing adulterers by stoning, 77% support whipping and cutting the hands off thieves. 84% support executing any Muslim who changes his religion.
This does not sound like a breeding ground for American style democracy. Reflect back to 2006 when the Palestinians were given the opportunity to vote in open and free elections. They voted for Hamas and its Islamic totalitarian agenda. Even in 2005 the Egyptians were given limited freedom to choose their legislators and where they could they elected the totalitarian Muslim Brotherhood to lead them.
When the US Government under Obama did nothing to support Mubarak, apparently hoping that the protesters will magically transform Egypt into Vermont - we have put the entire world at risk. The risk is another Iran – this time in Egypt, and soon the dominoes will fall in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The rest of the Arab world could be plunged into complete and utter darkness.
Obama now needs to support the Egyptian Army, which may be tough as he doesn’t even support our Army. This will prove to be utterly distasteful to this band of change-a-holics – but there needs to be an orderly transition of power and a strong US presence to ward off the virus that is about to infect Egypt.

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