Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Israel Israel Conservatives are Calling

Why do American Conservatives have such a strong attraction to Israel ? This is a question posed by many liberals who do not understand why we so strongly support the Jewish state. Like most of our stands on issues, there are Social & Political explanations - and there are Religious grounds for our backing.
The ‘secular conservative’ feels that Israel is an ally of the US, based on their Democratic form of Government and their Westernized approach to business and society. If you go to Israel you will find it seems a lot like America. People of all races, nationalities and yes, religions co-exist in Israel. Almost every citizen speaks English, owns a car, watches Western movies, wears American style clothing, and votes in their regular elections.
Israeli entrepreneurs create all sorts of innovative companies - looking to cash in on capitalism - much the same as we do. Many of the software companies I have worked with in the last 20 years started in Israel. Our farmers in the central valley are using drip-irrigation products, sophisticated water pumps, and ingenious agricultural accessories that are created and produced in Israel.
Israel - like the US - also has a free press. Israeli newspapers and television reflect a diversity of views, and you can select media that represent every view from ardent Zionism to almost suicidal pacifism. Over one million Arabs live in Israel and account for about 20 % of the population. They enjoy full rights of citizenship, vote in elections and serve in Israel’s parliament. When you talk to Arab citizens in Israel, many proudly proclaim their Israeli citizenship.
Another aspect that appeals to conservatives is that Israel is the top military deterrent to the aggressive anti-Semitic nations such as Iran and equally virulent regimes such as Hamas in Palestine or Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli military is fast, effective and ever ready. They employ technology that comes from years of winning wars of repelled invasions. Their military discipline and logistical efficiency is world renowned.
Israel occupies only 10,000 square miles compared to the adjacent Arab countries that are over 5,000,000 square miles. Israel has never sponsored any terrorist act, never kidnapped innocent citizens of other countries, and has fought for its very existence often since it was founded in 1948. Conservatives feel that any democratic pro-American presence in the Middle East is of supreme value to our country. Just turns out that Israel is the lone ranger in this category.
To the American religious conservative it is all of the above plus a special understanding of who the Jewish people are. Conservative Christians interpret the word 'Israel' in the Bible to mean 'the Jews' and not 'the Church.' It means that the Jews are still the chosen people, that they are still in covenant with and beloved by God, and that they are still the rightful heirs of the land of Israel. Christian conservatives that embrace the Bible reject all forms of anti-Semitism while embracing both the Jewish people and their national aspirations in Israel.
This positive theology towards the Jews originated with some small Protestant sects in Europe. When the seeds of these ideas crossed the Atlantic, they took root and have become mainstream Christianity here. The American Founding Fathers had such reverence for the Bible and the Jews that they seriously considered making Hebrew the official language of the new nation. George Washington wrote his famous letter to the members of the Touro Synagogue warmly welcoming their civic participation and condemning bigotry in the strongest terms.
If you read Genesis 12:3 in the Old Testament and Romans 15:27 in the New Testament you will see ample evidence of the Lord’s admonition to always stay on the side of Israel. The Genesis reference is to the Lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, i.e. the people of the House of Israel. It simply states that if you bless Israel you will be blessed and if you curse Israel you will be cursed. In the Romans passage the Apostle Paul says 'If the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.' For Christians the New Testament recognizes that the Jews have given spiritual blessings to us as Christians, and inspires true Christian charity towards the Jews. It is in this same spirit that Christians join Jews in following the calls of the Hebrew prophets to care for the poor and the persecuted around the world.
I trust we will continue to ignore the cries to stop supporting Israel that have been heard from various groups inside the US. I dearly hope that we never follow this path, as I believe the future of America is inextricably inter-twined with the future and success of Israel.

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