Friday, May 21, 2010

Close the Border Mr. President - they're killing us

I’m sure by now the name Rob Krentz rings no bells for most Americans. Rob Krentz was a rancher in Kingman Arizona, who was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant on his ranch. Like most modern media reports there is much more to the tale than has been told. So…here’s the real story.
Rob and Susan Krentz owned and operated a 35,000 acre cattle ranch near the Mexico border. They constantly dealt with hundreds of illegal aliens crossing their ranch to find work in the surrounding area. The Krentz’s routinely would offer food and water to dehydrated migrants, and were most often repaid by getting their fences cut, cattle shot, fires started and garbage strewn all over their ranch.
To amp up the problem, the Krentz’s and other ranchers in the area had noticed a huge increase in para-military type drug rings entering their ranches. The drug gangs send in a point man with a machine gun in front, followed a half mile behind by armed guards, followed another half mile behind by the drug shipment, followed by more armed guards. The ranchers all knew to stay well away from these drug related death squads invading our southern border, and rely upon their local Sherriff’s or the US Border Patrol.
Just a few weeks before Krentz's murder, another rancher nearby found a huge shipment of drugs on his property. He called the authorities, and they confiscated the drugs, but were unable to stop the gang of illegal’s that came a few days later and viciously beat the rancher and his wife, threatening to kill them if they reported any more drug shipments. The drug smugglers kill anyone who gets in their way and often kill their own drug "mules" who fail to keep up in what Police call human "drug trains".
One week before his murder, Krentz found a similar drug shipment in trucks on his ranch. He reported the drugs and had the Border Patrol and DEA haul the drugs off. No one knows for sure exactly who killed Rob Krentz yet, but on the day of his murder he had radioed to his brother that he had spotted an illegal that looked like he was in trouble so he was on his way to help. Investigators reported that the assailant shot Rob and his dog, and that Krentz was able to drive his ATV away from the shooting site. Krentz was mortally wounded and he soon went into shock, and died. Foot tracks of the killer were identified and followed 20 miles south to the Mexico border by sheriff’s deputies and U.S. Border Patrol trackers.
Is it any wonder Arizona recently passed a much needed enforcement bill to try to stop this cycle of violence? Phoenix had 316 kidnapping cases last year, more than any other town in America, and nearly all of them involved illegal immigrants and drugs. The Federal Government attempts to claim exclusive authority over illegal immigration, yet they do almost nothing to enforce the existing laws. The people of Arizona were sick and tired of waiting on a detached federal bureaucracy that continually ignores the will of the people.

The citizens of Arizona recently passed a statewide law that is identical to the existing federal law. Now both the Federal and State law makes it a crime for a non-citizen to be in the U.S. without government documentation. Under the existing Federal law, legal-resident aliens have been required to carry and show those documents to federal law-enforcement officers since 1940. The core concept of Arizona’s SB 1070 similarly requires immigrants to carry proof of legal status or risk being turned over by state troopers to federal authorities. The new Arizona law specifically bans any racial profiling and only allows inquiry into citizenship status if the person is stopped for some other crime. Every country in the world has this same type of requirement, especially Mexico. Heaven help the poor illegal immigrant from El Salvador who gets caught in Mexico without his proof of legal status.
The squeals from leftists are always the same. They shout racism is the motivation behind any opposition to their agenda, whether it is socialized medicine, nationalizing US corporations or the Arizona immigration reform. They ignore the fact that their own existing federal laws are identical to the Arizona statute. Both Attorney General Holder and DHS head Napolitano loudly criticized the law, never having bothered to actually read it.
Americans overwhelmingly favor legal immigration. We take pride in welcoming new immigrants to our country, and support efforts to assimilate new citizens by encouraging they learn English and American History as the surest path to becoming productive citizens.
What we ask of government is to enforce existing laws and for our borders to be controlled. We were promised a double layer border fence along the entire Mexican border. According to DHS, only 34.3 miles double-layer fencing has been completed along the 1950 mile Southern border. If we had simply constructed the double layer fence Rob Krentz would not have been murdered. When we as Americans begin the debate again on immigration reform, we need to loudly shout at our political class “Finish the Border Fence First, then we’ll debate”.

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