Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What in the World is a Manmade Disaster ?

The Christmas Day Terrorist attempt proved that a pound of prevention is worth far less than an ounce of cure. What do I mean? The Obama administration seems to believe an army of lawyers is far more powerful than an actual Military Army of soldiers. Evidence ? They immediately turned this terrorist over to a cabal of left wing defense attorneys whose job it is to get the terrorist to say nothing, offer nothing and make sure he’s comfortable, at ease and relaxed for his arraignment and eventual trial.
What we needed right after capturing this vermin is to have the specialists in the Military fully interrogate him as to his terror network connections. Don’t jump to water boarding – that is ridiculous – and off the table with Obama anyway. What we needed is skilled military interrogators that could have found out the names and locations of his and other Yemeni based terror cells. Then we could find and destroy these nests of terrorists before they had a chance to scatter. We could have learned in a few hours of “cure” – the who – what – where & when of the next wave of terror attacks that his Yemeni based Al Qaeda network has been planning.
What did the wunderkind of Washington order? Send in the suits with NYU law school degrees to protect him. Instead of actionable intelligence we have a terrorist who is being treated as if he was nothing more than a US Citizen caught in a stock swindle. He is “Lawyered up” and fully out of reach of the US Military who could actually use the information in his head to protect us.
We were told by Obama’s head of DHS Janet Napolitano that the system worked. That means the system must include passengers spotting and thwarting terrorists when they are about to detonate a bomb. Then after a pounding in the alternative media, she changed her mind. The system had - a day later - fatal flaws that only could be cured by more government. She is now the Wizard of Odd – telling us to pay no attention to the terrorist behind the curtain – that what we have here is an isolated incident – a lone wolf renegade. He was recruited and trained by Al Qaeda and even his own father, a Nigerian diplomat called the US State Department to warn us of his son’s radicalization by a group of terrorists in Yemen. The new improved State Department laughed that report off as if it was generated by talk radio.
The mindset of the Obama administration is that the War on Terror was lost long ago and now they – with their lofty speeches – can produce reconciliation with countries that harbor terrorists. Replace all that nasty war rhetoric with bridge building to nowhere. Add to that winning recipe a September 10th mindset – that terrorism is really a law enforcement issue and you have fully emboldened the terrorists to plan and execute more attacks. They are engaged in a war against us, and we are engaged in a lawsuit against them.
We have now had two strikes by Terrorists on US soil since Obama came to power. One was the Fort Hood shootings and the second is the underwear bomber. I think the American public is now waking to the fact that we are unprotected and is telling the democrats who control everything federally, three strikes and you’re out.
What is the “pound” of prevention I am referring to? We now want to deploy full body scanners at every airport. We already take off most of our clothes now - just to get past security. We are adding thousands of Air Marshalls to sit on planes in case a terrorist boards a plane. We deploy armies of data analysts that constantly comb the conversations of suspected terrorists on cellphones for keywords that could add up to real intelligence. Why not take the actual live terrorist you have in your hands and interrogate him? Can’t do that as his Miranda rights would be trampled upon. What Miranda rights exist for foreign terrorists?
Unless we are willing to return to a War on terror footing as a country, we are going to see wave after wave of these attacks, followed by speeches and lawsuits from our feeble and bloated government. They actually wanted to replace the words “War on Terror” with “manmade disasters”. If you read George Orwell’s 1984 you would recognize this as an example of “Newspeak”. Replace hard words with soft fluffy words and the peasants will go back to sleep. Don’t be fooled by these pre-September 11th charlatans. We need to fight a war, not win a lawsuit.

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