Sunday, November 15, 2009

Get ready for a Global Government

Global – there it is- the latest four letter word. Whenever you hear it you should -1) grab your wallet as it is about to be emptied and 2) get ready to kiss your country’s sovereignty bye-bye. What possible malice could such a seemingly innocuous word as Global conjure up? Sit down, put your heels up and prepare to get furious.
Lord Christopher Monckton of England, who was an advisor on scientific questions to Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the UK, reported recently on a treaty we may consider signing. Ever heard of the Conference of State's parties to the United Nations Convention on climate change? Probably not. They meet every two years and this year, in December it's going to be Copenhagen, Denmark. This year’s little rendezvous is where they plan to push through a climate treaty which would involve the vast transfer of wealth from the west to poorer countries, in the name of what is called reparations for climate debt.
In the draft treaty, what they plan to do is to set up a shiny new and improved world government – yes - the word "Government" actually appears in the treaty. This is not an optional exercise for a country that signs on to this treaty, and there is no mention of such bothersome underpinnings of democracy such as elections, votes, or ballots. What the document describes is there will be a new massive bureaucratic entity created – a Global Governance Entity. This new entity will have three purposes. The first that’s stated is to create a new world government. The second is to affect the transfer or redistribution of wealth from countries like ours to third world countries in reparation for what is described in the treaty as climate debt.
Their claim to our wallets is based on the assertion that we've been creating CO2 in huge quantities. They say we’re altering the climate. Global Governments need money – lot’s of it – and they know they have a friend in Washington. They also know how to play on our greatest weakness, Liberal Guilt. Therefore they say we have to pay, up to 2% of GDP every year to poorer countries.
The third element of this new government will be enforcement. They plan to empower this new global government sufficiently to make Democratic countries hand over their cash, whether they like it or not. Even more ominous, there will be a corresponding series of “technical panels” which will have the right to directly intervene in the economies and in the environment of individual countries over the heads of their elected governments.
The danger of this anti American treaty getting signed has increased since our Dear Leader was given a Nobel Peace Prize, the pledge pin of the sorority that is the international left. With our Congress and the President galloping wildly towards a Cap and Tax bill here, the dangers increase that they will in turn sign on to the Copenhagen Treaty. There is sufficient concern that if Obama signs this - it will be jammed through the US Congress, Chicago style. Once ratified, we become subject to Article VI of the Vienna convention on the interpretation of international treaties. Another obscure document – but a significant one, that spells out how an international treaty can prevail over our Constitution. We can't just walk away from this treaty once it’s signed. The only way out is to get the other countries that benefit from our 2% of GDP transfer to let us out of the treaty. Kind of like getting Vampires to stop drinking blood.
To every oppressive governmental horror story, there is a knight in shining armor. The light of true science has begun to shine on the muddled Global Warming theory. It has recently been shown that the effect of CO2 and all greenhouse gases on temperature globally is less than 1/6th of what the UN IPCC panel says it is. This is the conclusion in a peer reviewed paper published just last month by Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT, Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. He’s done a detailed 20 year study measuring the amount of outgoing radiation escaping into space, and that amount is supposed to drop dramatically as the temperature warms down here. That's the official theory - because of all the greenhouse gases getting in the way, according to the UN IPCC and also mentioned in Al Gore’s Sci-Fi film. What is actually happening is that nearly all of it is getting out into space just as before. So the warming effect of CO2 over the whole of the next 100 years is established at +1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit, which is negligible.
Dr. Lindzen’s report makes the UN's report on which this treaty is based out of date. So is the Supreme Court's judgment in Massachusetts V. EPA where they said CO2 was a pollutant because it might cause warming. Nobody's dared to argue with his paper as it is based on carefully measured data and the results clobber the previous UN reports which were based almost entirely on computer models. The UN IPCC computer models rely very heavily on extrapolation of a small data set and a lot of guesswork. Dr. Lindzens’ measurement of the comparison between changes in surface temperature and changes in outgoing radiation is the paper that could finally bring this scare to an end. Now if we could just get our President to read it.

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